Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Some Cookie Reviews from Summer '06

Turnabout by Margaret Peterson Haddix
This book is a great book for sci-fi lovers. It's about two scientists who experiment on about fifty old-aged men and women (ready to die), who give their patrons a shot that reverses their aging process! But what happens when they get too young? Read the book to find out! (7th grade reviewer)

Perfect by Natasha Friend
When Isabelle's dad dies she turns to becoming bulimic to overcome her own grief, as well as her mother's and sister's. When she joins a group and finds out the most popular girl in school is there too, even more obstacles appear. (9th grade reviewer)

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
In this soap-opera like novel, Tolstoy's characters contemplate the meaning of family, love, marriage, religion, and death. The book may be long and intimidating, but I would recommend this to anyone who is looking for thrilling, exciting classical literature. (12th grade reviewer)

The Music of Dolphins by Karen Hesse
The book is about a girl, Mila, who was found by Doctor Beck, a scientist. The book tells you how she improved in talking and being a human. (6th grade reviewer)

A Door Near Here by Heather Quales
A family of four tries to stick together as their drunken mother neglects them in her life, and the only one who can help is their father in Michigan. (9th grade reviewer)

The Wright 3 by Blue Balliett
The Wright 3 was a suspenseful mystery book about three kids trying to save a house that got knocked down. I really enjoyed it. (7th grade reviewer)

Wolf Rider: A Tale of Terror by Avi
A boy gets a call from a stranger saying "I've killed someone." Now he must try to solve the mystery before things get out of hand. (10th grade reviewer)

The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
The Secret Life of Bees is a remarkable story about Lily Owens, the daughter of an abusive single "father" living in the south in the 1960s. Lily's journey to discovering the truth about her mother, as well as herself, is moving and extraordinary. An excellent, eloquent novel by Sue Monk Kidd! (9th grade reviewer)

Tersias the Oracle by G. P. Taylor
In the streets of London, a boy named Tersias sees the future. But as everyone hears about him, more wish to use his power of foresight for the wrong reasons. Read this book to find out the outcome! (8th grade reviewer)

The Mediator 6: Twilight by Meg Cabot.
Suze is a Mediator; a connection to the living and the dead. But Suze can do more than see ghosts, she can travel through time. When Suze goes back in time to save the ghost that haunts her bedroom she makes a terrible mistake by bringing his body to the future. Can he live through the future or die never knowing Suze? (7th grade reviewer)

Captain Hook by James Hart
This book was an interesting read because it talks all about Captain Hook's life before Peter Pan. It was a fun way to find out background information on the villain before he turned evil. (9th grade reviewer)

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