Monday, March 05, 2007

Review of A Great and Terrible Beauty

In A Great and Terrible Beauty, Gemma Doyle is in India with her mom in the market when someone whispers to her mom "Circe." Next thing Gemma knows, is that she runs away from her mom and finds her dead. Later in the book, Gemma finds out the reason her mom was killed a why Gemma might also be killed. Her mother was part of the Order and she was the last person who could open the realms which is another world. Now that her mom is killed, Gemma posseses the power to open the realms. Now Gemma must save her friend and more importantly her mother from the dangers in the realm.
In this book you can feel the magic pulling you in with the suspence. If you are a fantasy loving girl, you will be pulled into this book just like I did. And if you liked this book just as much as I did, there is a sequel called Rebel Angels for you to read. Boys- STAY AWAY! Reviewed by Cathy